
Maintain Your Herbs

  Before we start first find out which Herb are u working with? Soft Herbs or Woddy Herbs? Soft herbs are generally categorized by their flexible, tender green stems with leafy, soft leaves such as parsley, cilantro, basil, and mint. Hard herbs have woody stems with firmer leaves such as sage, rosemary, thyme, and oregano. The two kinds will require different storing methods to best ensure the levels of light, temperature, oxygen, and moisture are balanced to avoid spoilage. Step 1: Washing your herbs will remove dirt and bacteria that will promote even more rapid decay. Simply wash your herbs under cold, running water, and remove all moisture in a salad spinner to ensure your greens are as dry as possible before storing. Step 2: Implement the “wet jar method” by gathering your herbs in a bunch and trimming the ends, as you would a bouquet of flowers. Add water to the jar so that only the ends are in water and NOT the leaves. Seal the Jar, change the water when discoloration starts

Why is Organic Food Gaining Popularity?

  Folks from my generation (born before the 60s) have had the privilege of consuming the food, the way nature intended it to be. 1965 witnessed the green revolution in India, as we really needed to have higher agri production and that led to increased use of fertilizers and other agri techniques including the use of high yielding modified seeds etc. This was of course the need of the hour and the regular famines which were consistent in our country were almost eliminated. Over the years, farm lands kept becoming weaker due to excessive use of these fertilizers and to maintain the yield, more fertilizers were used, thus making the produce unhealthy. Most farmers strayed away from the GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and used the chemicals which exceeded the prescribed limits. Thus we were introduced to the food which constantly became more and more dangerous and lesser and lesser nutritious as the inputs were increased to achieve desired yield output. We also witnessed increased

Medical Advantages of Amla

Developed all through India and close by nations, amla has increased an after all through the world as a "superfruit." It's nothing unexpected — a 100-gram serving of new amla berries contains as much nutrient C as 20 oranges. Amla, otherwise called Indian gooseberries, develops on a blooming tree of a similar name. The little berries are round and splendid or yellow-green. Despite the fact that they are very sharp all alone, their flavor can improve plans they're added to. While we can't be completely certain when Ayurvedic healers began utilizing amla berry, chronicled records disclose to us they've been utilized in solutions for in any event 1,000 years. Fusing this old super fruit into your eating regimen may improve your general wellbeing.  Medical advantages  The cancer prevention agents and nutrients found in amla berries offer a few medical advantages. High convergences of nutrient C in amla enables the body to recuperate from sickness. Amla berries ad

Green Peas

Pea plant is a hardy leafy annual with hollow trailing or climbing stems that reach up to 1.8 m in length. The stems feature terminal tendrils that facilitate climbing and bear compound leaves with three pairs of leaflets. The reddish purple, pink, or white flowers, growing two to three per stalk, are butterfly-shaped. The fruit is a pod that grows to 10 cm long, splitting in half when ripe. Inside the pod, 5–10 seeds are attached by short stalks. The seeds are green, yellow, white, or variegated. Nutrition value per 100 g: ● Energy 81 kcal (4% RDA) ● Carbohydrates 14.45 g (11% RDA) ● Fat 0.4 g (2% RDA) ● Protein 5.42 g (10% RDA) ● Thiamine B1 0.266 mg (22% RDA) ● Riboflavin B2 0.132 mg (10% RDA) ● Niacin B3 2.09 mg (13% RDA) ● Vitamin C 40 mg (67% RDA) ● Vitamin E 0.13 mg (1% RDA) ● Calcium 25 mg (2.5% RDA) ● Iron 1.47 mg (18% RDA) ● Magnesium 33 mg (8% RDA) ● Manganese 0.41mg (18% RDA) ● Potassium 244 mg (5% RDA) ● Sodium 5 mg (<1% RDA) ● Zinc 1.24 mg (11% RDA)

Why is Neem Coated Urea More Beneficial

Out of the complete 17 supplements needed for sound development of a harvest, nitrogen, phosphorous pentoxide, and potash are three significant plant supplements and sufficient gracefully of each of the three is fundamental for solid developing plants. The ideal proportion of these supplements is in the proportion of 4:2:1, yet different elements have prompted slanted use in India. As per Economic Survey of India (2013-14), the proportion weakened to 8:2.7:1 and in states, for example, Punjab and Haryana, it was as terrible as 38:6:1 and 53:11:1 individually. One reason for this misshaped utilization of manures is appropriation given for urea. Presentation of High Yielding Varieties during Green Revolution during the 1960s and 1970s has required the utilization of composts and to guarantee the equivalent, the administration has acquainted sponsorship with energize manure use. Throughout the long term, this has prompted twisted use. Nitrogen assumes a fundamental part in plant developme

Transform Autumn Tree Leaves into Compost, Mulch and Organic Fertilizer

  Each fall, I see heaps of tree leaves hanging tight for city trucks to go along and suck them up, to be stolen away to the metropolitan manure heap. In case you're a plant specialist, I truly trust that you're sparing your tree leaves for your nursery. They can be utilized as mulch or fertilizer and are a significant wellspring of supplements for your dirt.   What plant supplements are in tree leaves?   Pre-winter tree leaves are one of the most productive natural manures, as they contain for all intents and purposes each healthful component your plants need. Try not to ignore them as a nursery and yard manure.   Tree leaves are the end wellspring of the entirety of the components a tree's foundations draw from the beginning. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Boron and more are found plentifully in leaves (the particular supplements and sums contrast contingent upon the tree species), and those com

Brinjal Fights Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an auto-invulnerable illness where the pancreas, the organ capable to deliver insulin quits creating the protein. Insulin is critical for the body as it separates the sugar in the blood and changes over it into energy. Without insulin, the sugar levels in the blood can rise, which can even be lethal.  At the point when somebody experiences type 2 diabetes, they must be exceptionally cautious about their way of life, particularly diet, to guarantee that their glucose levels are constantly managed and leveled out. Eating nourishments wealthy in sugar or expending food sources with such a large number of starches can exacerbate the situation for individuals with diabetes. High-fiber nourishments are viewed as useful for individuals with diabetes, as they help in hindering the cycle of sugar breakdown in the blood. Remembering these things, is the utilization of the vegetable brinjal, known as Baingan in Hindi, alright for individuals with diabetes?  Brinjal comes in dif